If you have taken a career credit Workforce Development class in the past, chances are you have a profile. Please do not create a second profile. If you need assistance, please email wecd@patrickhenry.edu or call 276.656.0260.
New Students
If you are new to our site and would like to register for classes, you will need to set up a student profile by clicking on "Create New Profile" below. This is a one-time process that will provide you with your own personal, password-protected account and will allow you to register for classes and track your class registrations and financial transactions. When you create a profile, your email address will serve as your username. If you do not have an email address, please contact our registration staff at wecd@patrickhenry.edu or 276.656.0260 for assistance.
Returning Students
If you have set up an account on our site previously, please sign in using your Username and Password. Please note that this login information is different than your MyVCCS username and password. You may use the 'Forgot Username' or 'Forgot Password' links below to recover your login information. Your personal information can be modified after signing in. For further assistance, please email wecd@patrickhenry.edu or call 276.656.0260.